Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Summary of John Irving’s ‘A Widow For One Year’ and ‘The Fourth Hand’

In A Widow for One Year. Ruth Cole, the central character, is a successful American novelist whose writings reflect a deep need to make sense of her life.Born in 1954, the daughter of Ted and Marion Cole, is the replacement child for her two brothers, Thomas and Timothy, who were killed at ages sixteen and fifteen in a terrible automobile accident. Even though her brothers are dead, their memory remains a presence from which the family finds no relief. The mother, Marion, attempts to assuage her grief for her lost sons by hanging photographs of them on all available wall space.She bitterly blames her husband Ted for their sons' deaths, and she resents him for convincing her to have another child. She does not hate Ruth, but, preoccupied with her own loss, Marion is often unaware of her daughter's presence and she is afraid that she will transmit her grief, like a disease, to Ruth.Ruth witnessed her parents' divorce when she is four years old, followed by the disappearance of her moth er, Marion, who apparently feels that Ruth's father, Ted, although a womanizer and a drunk, will be the better custodial parent. Ted, a writer and illustrator of children's books, has hired sixteen-year-old Eddie O'Hare to serve as his errand boy, designated driver.When Ruth is four in that summer of 1958, she witnesses a primal scene, between her mother and Eddie O'Hare. She never forgets it, though she forgets some of the details. Eventually she comes to understand the relationship between Marion and Eddie and even to understand why her mother left. Ruth loses more than her mother, however; she also loses the brothers she knew only through the photographs. By the time Ruth is thirty-six (almost the age Marion was when she left Ruth), she is an internationally known writer, who gives readings to promote her novels. At one of these readings in New York City, she meets Eddie O'Hare again.Eddie is also a writer–of romance novels-and he introduces Ruth, who reads from her novel about a widow for one year. Ruth, contemplating marriage to her editor and possible parenthood, learns from Eddie why Marion left her with Ted and prepares to get on with her life; before she does so, however, Ruth will witness a murder in Amsterdam and Ted Cole will commit suicide.In the novel's concluding portion, Ruth gives birth to a son, her husband dies, and in 1995 she will get remarried, after one year, to the Amsterdam policeman who closed the books on a serial killer using Ruth's anonymous testimony. Soon thereafter, Marion reappears on the scene, reunited with Eddie, having achieved some success as a mystery writer in Canada.If someonÐ µ adores A Widow for OnÐ µ YÐ µar, one may bÐ µ a bit disappointÐ µd in ThÐ µ Fourth Hand. The main charactÐ µr of thÐ µ story, handsomÐ µ TV journalist Patrick Wallingford is obsessÐ µd with minutÐ µly dÐ µscribed onÐ µ-night stands.   HÐ µ is filming a package about an Indian circus, ThÐ µ GnÐ µsh, which is an Indian sym bol of nÐ µw beginnings whÐ µn a lion eats his lÐ µft hand. MeanwhilÐ µ, a total stranger in Wisconsin, Doris ClausÐ µn and hÐ µr husband Otto are obsÐ µssÐ µd with thÐ µ GrÐ µen Bay PackÐ µrs and with having a child.Mrs ClausÐ µn, seÐ µs a clip of it on TV, and writes to promisÐ µ Wallingford her husband's hand for transplant in thÐ µ evÐ µnt of her spousÐ µ's death. Doris cajolÐ µs Otto into willing his lÐ µft hand to Patrick and her husband shoots himsÐ µlf dead on the night of thÐ µ 1998 Super Bowl, and his hand is flown to Boston whÐ µre a brilliant surgÐ µon transplants it to Wallingford's left forÐ µarm. With the hand comÐ µs the griÐ µving widow, who has some intÐ µresting plans of hÐ µr own for the lucky rÐ µcipient. Mrs ClausÐ µn flies to mÐ µet Wallingford, whom shÐ µ promptly seducÐ µs with an eye to childbÐ µaring.Famous hand surgÐ µon Nicholas Zajak is, for his part, obsessÐ µd with dog fÐ µcÐ µs–also describÐ µd in Ð µndl Ð µss detail–which hÐ µ scoops up with his old lacrossÐ µ stick and hurls at rowÐ µrs on the CharlÐ µs RivÐ µr. Zajak attachÐ µs Otto's hand to Patrick, and Doris demands visitation rights with Otto's hand, as wÐ µll as with Patrick's child-producing Ð µquipmÐ µnt. On her first mÐ µÃ µting with Wallingford, thÐ µy have sÐ µx, Wallingford rÐ µcognizing Doris's voicÐ µ as one hÐ µ hÐ µard in a vision in India whilÐ µ rÐ µcovering from his accidÐ µnt.Doris, dÐ µspÐ µrate to gÐ µt prÐ µgnant, has hÐ µr own agenda. ThÐ µ pregnancy takÐ µs more succÐ µssfully than the husband's transplantÐ µd hand, which is evÐ µntually rejÐ µcted. AftÐ µr a fritter of othÐ µr affairs, Wallingford throws himself at Mrs ClausÐ µn and finds true lovÐ µ.Bibliography Irving, John. A Widow for One Year. New York: Random House, 1998Irving, John. The Fourth Hand. New York: Random House, 2002

Friday, August 30, 2019

Human Relations and Scientific Management

Ha Chi K50BF During the period of the nineteen and twenty century, the world industry had reshaped itself with the new present of technology and information transfer in new manner. In the complex situation of the economy, F. W Taylor(1856-1917), published his principles in managing which was called Scientific Management and had been popular as the core managing style for various business models up to now.Scientific Management focuses on logical task provision and maximising productivity based on task performance. A few years after Taylor' death, Elton Mayo(1880-1949) made a significant movement in managing perception rooted in Hawthorne ‘s experiences at an electric company. The new perception quoted that managing an organisation was not only maximising productivity, it was also about satisfy organisation internal people ‘s needs. By this way or another, there are gain and loss, which will be clarified hereafter.To begin with gain by each approach, Scientific in particula r, providing logical principles in working processes in a manner of analysing discrete tasks, finding one best way in practise, choosing suitable people respectively to accomplish the tasks. By this way, clear tasks were for clear individuals which helps increasing productivity by assigning right people for the right jobs, avoiding responsibility denying and easier in measuring work performance.Scientific Management was the orthodox foundation in modern business management models. Later revolution in managing had relied on its principles up to now. Besides that, Human relations Approach did have pretty different in perception. It had pointed out the important in human behaviour at work and the development of management thinking. In this case, managers behaviour was a vital aspect of motivation and improved performance.Furthermore, maintaining good relation among group of people, sharing feelings with staffs emphasised on the needs of social organization and generating working motiva tion as well as creating somehow group values and norm. The importance of organization has been pushed up to a high level that had never mentioned in other Human relations perception. Continuing with the bad sides of both approaches, Scientific Management Approach had ignored the interaction among organisations. Although it motivated employees by monetary reward, it refused to sympathy to employees' concerns and feelings.As a result, works became a routine and boring, workers were treated as manufacturing machines, they were made light of dignity then they gradually losing interest in work. In addition, training process was kind of waste money. It was pointed out that, one in eight trainees was capable to job requirements( porter job). In recent practise, Human Relation Approach are popular in any industries, people choosing a job is not only for high salary, but also appreciate to good working environment, extra incentives and social needs from organisations.Nowadays, Scientific Ma nagement is still relevant to some extent such as work assignments, salary based performance( in hospitality job). Overall, there are different points in this two conceptions. However, Human relations Approach is seemed that more innovate and practical method in business management. The managers decide to use which method or even combination need to consider further factors such as major, economy and so on to establish a good strategy. Case study DELL

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Discussion of Assessment and Feedback Issues Essay

A discussion of assessment and feedback issues Assessment is an important part of teaching and learning, the most obvious reason for carrying out assessment is to evaluate the students learning/achievement s and whether the student is heading toward the course of qualification. Teaching within NVQ the criteria is laid out for me as a teacher my role is to prepare the students to observe their performances, question them, and use assessment to make a decision as to whether my learners are competent or capable. I must also to ensure that the assessment meets the criteria and objectives of the NVQ qualification. We as the teachers/assessors want to know whether learning outcomes have been achieved, or if the student is of a standard required to pass and achieve the grade /qualification. It also helps me as the tutor up most to help determine the development the student needs during the course. Assessment is also a away to provide information on individual teacher or the institution. For example; are the teaching methods affective, are the learning objectives appropriate- are they too easy or to difficult. Assessment within my teaching domain comprises of different components, performances in the work places, the use of realistic working environment. With NVQ teaching we have specific criteria that must be covered and include skills as well as knowledge, we the assessors have the decision as to how and where the assessment takes place. NVQ level 1-2-3 hairdressing comprises of units which must be cover die, Level 3 consists of 53 credits minimum split into mandatory units -48 credits and optional unit of which is 6 credits to pass and obtain the qualification. Following VTCT/HABIA critia guide lines and assessment work book. VTCT/HABIA strongly advocates a holistic approach for assessment of learners. Examples include using one assessment method to gather evidence for a number of criteria integrating knowledge into practical observation (i. e. through oral or evidenced on analysis sheets i. e. consultation forms). I myself as a teacher of hair and beauty believe in Habia and VTCT Assessment learning and teaching strategies I believe in engaging and exciting the learner whether it means I need to change the way I assess or how I bring my knowledge forward for learners to understand and help them complete their course. I measure the achievements against the standards set out. One of the advantages of NVQs is that the whole area to be tested is set out from the start. NVQ assessment is usually internal or external or a combination of the two. Internal assessment means myself is responsible for devising and marking assessments be it using case study’s which also help develop functional/key skills, observation ,oral ,informal,ect. These then tend to be verified by the centre internal verifier. I myself am required to set work that will improve practical skills knowledge and understanding. It’s my responsibility to guide learners on the evidence that is needed to be gathered to satisfy assessment. Within my course criteria (NVQ) we use formative and summative assessment as the main hold of the course. Unlike summative assessment which relates to assessment of learning, feedback relates to assessment for learning. Assessment 1998: Torrance and Pryor 1998) which helps the learners progress (Black and William We use formative assessment as formal or informal. For assessment to function formatively, the results have to be used to adjust teaching and learning. † (Black and William 1998: pp. -16) With formative assessment we use a range of activitys, case studies, multiple choice test, practical test, projects, questioning alone or within a group. To help students understand the frame work and what is needed we use in NVQ or within my institution mile stones of 13 weeks covering formative summative and mandatory test assessment. I strongly believe in formative a ssessment for the students and me the teacher for my own evaluation as well as theses; it contributes to the learner’s progress provided guidance on how to bridge the gaps to achieve the desired results, we use ILPS to also help within this process. ILPs individual learning plans, we use these to encourage the students also for means of developing their own targets and to motivate and encourage the students learning development. These documents are updated by learner and teacher throughout the course and are used as part of the formal course assessment. Summative assessment is used for grading or within my teaching domain it’s a simple pass or fail. As stated in (Teaching skills in the further and adult education 3rd addition David Minton p 288) progression and new technology. There is no reason why a teaching session in a hairdressing salon should not be video-taped or photo graphed and presented with by the teacher to explain whys/he did what, what happened, what was observed in a group or individual work. It’s a valuable tool for evaluation as well as valid evidence. It can be shared with mentor or other tutor to compare and evaluate work, to review Atcual teaching session also and assessment of students. I myself have used this and found it a good tool to be used. In regards to questions and feed back during assessment, It’s important to be specific on what can be improved and how. Effective feedback tells the student what they have achieved and where they need to improve. Questioning is used not only as a pedagogical tool but also as a deliberate way for myself the teacher to find out what knowledge and understanding the leaner’s have gained, also to helps myself the teacher see how successful my teaching has been and what areas need to be improved . Questioning is fundamental to effective teaching and learning. As stated by ( Fisher & Frey 2007) Checking for understanding through questioning should not be thought as a simple two step process but rather as a complex progression as the teacher formulates and then listens to the responses of the learners, IE making them from easy to hard and simplifying them for students own level of learning. Self and peer assessment can also be beneficial in feedback and evaluation on own and peers works. As state many academic teachers still tend to retain all ownership and power in the assessment process (Dorothy spiller teaching development wahonga Feb 2012 assessment matters). Self assessment is used during formative assessment which students reflects and evaluates their own work. Seeing their strengths weaknesses and areas they feel they need to improve, helps set self goals becoming more motivated. Self assessment within my teaching area requires the student to fill out self assessment feedback forms in relation to a practical activities carried out, this help them self –evaluate their work strengths and weaknesses. â€Å"SELF ASSESMENT WITH ITS EMPHASIS ON STUDENT RESPONAIBITIY AND MAKING JUDGMENT IS NECESSARY SKILL FOR LIFE LONG LEARNING â€Å"(Bond, 1995, P. 11,). In the3 same contexts Peer feedback can also be beneficial to individuals or groups of students who are keen to experiment and use new ideas. Peers assessment involving students giving feedback on peers work can help students make sense of gaps in their own work. I see self and peer assessment beneficial where certain points are present. Designed to enhance learning ,involving learners in judging own work, help improve and motivated owns mind and work . Boud, D (1995). Enhancing learning through self-assesment. London:Koger page. Boud, (1995 P. 11. ). (Black and William 1998: pp. 5-16) Douglas Fisher& Nancy Frey 2007 www. reading,org questioning. (Teaching skills in the further and adult education 3rd addition David Minton p 288)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Part II CIKR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Part II CIKR - Essay Example With respect to this alternative approach, FEMA immediately began by sending to the region not only emergency management equipment and personnel but also a special team which has been subsequently termed as an â€Å"Innovation Team†. This innovation team was tasked with the responsibility of acting as a direct go-between for the stakeholders at the FEMA regional offices in New York City and the first responders on the ground. Prior emergency response had noted that a clear disconnect has been evidenced between the first responders and those individuals who are seeking to mitigate an action plan within the offices of the regional/local headquarters. As a means of providing a fresh set of eyes to the situation and acting as an attache to the different groups responsible for operations on the ground, the innovation team was able to connect internal and external groups to cooperate in a more efficient and time sensitive method. Naturally, even though the utilization of such a team necessarily took away from the overall manpower/resources which could be deployed with respect to emergency management operations, it was the understanding of FEMA, upon review and analysis of the operational plan and action of Sandy response, that the integration of the innovation team ultimately increase efficiency far beyond what could have been done if the same level of personnel were utilized in operations alone. Some of the most salient takeaways from post operational review of the innovation team and the means by which it responded denoted the fact that three specific areas within emergency operations were able to notice a marked improvement. The first of these was with regards to the overall level of emphasis that was placed upon communication. Naturally, after such a disaster, FEMA had traditionally been tasked with providing interoperable communications to all the stakeholders on the ground. However, the sheer complexity and interconnectivity of the existing communication s, as well as the damage that was performed, meant that FEMA’s role within interoperable communications and the provision of ensuring effective communications between key stakeholders needed a much higher level of emphasis. Yet, even with this oversight, the innovation team was able to point to these drawbacks and ameliorate them prior to these becoming a major pickup in the emergency response that FEMA was providing. A further level of growth and insight that the innovation team was able to provide was the fact that innovations that include cost savings and can produce most tangible and intangible benefits were the most beneficial towards the allocation of appropriate resources. Naturally, within the time of disaster, such as hurricane Sandy necessarily represented, the availability of these resources and the ultimate efficiency through which they could be provided was an element of the utmost importance. Accordingly, in order to ensure that these resources were utilized to a maximal and efficient level, the Innovation Team was able to provide useful feedback in order to determine how allocation of resources could be improved in the future. By analyzing the historical growth and appreciation for CIKR and the way in

Case Study - New Supervisor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Study - New Supervisor - Essay Example The most pressing issue for George is lack of planned strategy and organized way of working. The work lacks proper documentation of work and records of workers, including their work schedules, attendance and performance details. Hence to monitor the work performance and productivity, George needs to streamline the process and develop strategic plans to organize work schedules. These should be communicated across the employees. He should also define duties and emphasize on disciplined work culture where achieving targets is highlighted. He should also delegate duties so that junior managerial and administrative staff become well versed in the office processes. Most importantly, George must create a pool of talent based on skill and aligned work. This would enable the workforce to organize the schedules for optimal performance. There also needs to be constant communication across management and workforce so conflicts can be resolved early and amicably. From the remaining issues, the top priority of George would be to resolve the issue of Francine who had filed a grievance with the personal department against the assistant supervisor. As there was no organized way of working and office lacked proper records of employees work details, the case of Francine needs to be resolved early as she could easily have EEOC claim. George has huge burden of streamlining the work process and create facilitating work environment. Strong work culture ensures long term sustainable competitive advantage (Armstrong & Baron, 2005). Therefore strong teamwork needs to be promoted. Performance based incentives would be motivating factors for the workforce (Armstrong & Murlis, 2007). George also needs to develop well organized record keeping and documentation of office records. This would help to evaluate performance regularly and motivate workers for incentives and bonus. Moreover, creating talent pool would facilitate better